- 2018-10-22
German Defense Minister Ursula Gertrud von der Leyen paid a visit to Mongolia and received by Deputy Prime Minister of Mongolia U.Enkhtuvshin.
Deputy PM U.Enkhtuvshin emphasized that the Federal Republic of Germany has been cooperating with Mongolia in strengthening democratic and humanist society and in all sectors such as politics, society and economy and rendering supports, noting that cooperation in defense plays an important role in Mongolia- Germany comprehensive partnership. He then expressed gratitude to the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany and the Ministry of Defense for training human resources of the Mongolian army for free and rendering non-refundable technical and equipment aids. In her turn, German Minister Ursula Gertrud von der Leyen expressed satisfaction with the expansion of cooperation in all sectors. She also said, “Mongolian army has been making invaluable contribution to the NATO’s Resolute Support Mission in Afghanistan. Although Mongolia’s mandate to this mission will expire soon, I have no doubt that the National Security Council of Mongolia will make decision on renewing the mandate.” Moreover, Minister Ursula Gertrud von der Leyen pledged that Germany will further cooperate with Mongolia in directions of sciences, research and training.