International Forum "Climate Change and Youth"
The International Forum "Climate Change and Youth" concluded yesterday after the second day of its work.
Over 200 children and young people from ten countries took initiatives to contribute to environmental protection and address climate change. On the second day of the Forum, many proposals were made within the agenda of "Biological diversity and adaptation to climate change".
To familiarize herders with pasture plants, conduct gradual training, experiment and introduce methods of appropriate use of forest resources, make signs to protect the habitats of wild animals, and increase afforestation, they expressed intention to prepare and implement livestock pasture regulations.
Youth of the Eco Club brought up proposals to organize trainings for citizens on the reduction of the impact of wildlife habitat on domestic animals, collection of seeds of pasture plants and conduct of experiments to create resources, training of children of the Eco Club as trainers within the framework of the "One Billion Trees" National Campaign, monitoring and research of the composition and number of animal species drinking from springs that were fenced and protected, creating a schedule for rotating pastures in a model soum, and analyzing drinking water of Gobi zone, and presenting the results to local residents.
Each participant articulated desire to work in respect of adaption to climate change, reduction of its impact, and environment protection.
Organizers of the event expressed gratitude and granted certificates to all youth who participated in the International Forum "Climate Change and Youth" organized by the initiative of the Minister of Environment and Tourism.