KING ARCHUG: "… With your hand blooded, and mind bloated, you cannot sit the throne, My General"
Erdenebileg Ganbold, State Honored Actor, who played King Archug, the main character of “The Throne without a Seal,” was interviewed for “Mongolia Today” magazine, published by MONTSAME Mongolian National News Agency.
-You have returned to stage acting and created a historic role. The role of King Archug has been immortalized in the hearts of the people by People’s Actor L. Jamsranjav. Did you get intimidated when you first got the offer to play this role? What did you think about bringing the character back to life?
-It has been a year since we played “The Throne without a Seal” on stage. Almost five years ago, when the People’s Writer Bavuugiin Lkhagvasuren was still with us here on this earth, there were talks about putting a new version of “The Throne without a Seal” on stage. However, I was frightened when I got an offer three years ago from the producer of “Hero Entertainment” B. Baatar to play the role of King Archug. Playing and resurrecting the part created by L. Jamsranjav, a great theatre actor and idol to us all, whom I love, respect, and adore the most, caused me enormous worry, and it appeared to me that playing the role of King Archug would even be a big stupidity.
The Throne does not strip
And walk in the crowd naked
Beneath its dress of power and code
It hides an iron sword and purest milk.
The truth of Thrones is buried with Kings
And the new King is born with that truth in mouth.
from English translation of “The Throne without a Seal”
-What helped you get over that fear?
- What sharpened me the most was the brilliant writing of this play. In terms of writing, every word is a precious gem, conveying an eloquent and poignant message with a remarkable economy of language. That describes Bavuugiin Lkhagvasuren's poems and poetry. I thought that we should not bury the script of such a magnificent play. And perhaps by taking part in the creation of this new version of the play, we have opened new prospects for future artists, so I encouraged myself and worked hard. Shakespeare's tragedy "Romeo and Juliet" has been adapted into a classic, modern, or mono play and made into a Hollywood movie. This work has endured for centuries through various adaptations and retellings. Similarly, to this, I hope that "The Throne without a Seal" will last forever, and that directors and artists of all generations will dare to seize it and test their skills and talents in making new versions of this timeless masterpiece.
-In the past, you have portrayed Modun Shanyu for the play “Son of the Sky”. This time you also played the role of a King. Both of these roles are Kings from the Hunnu period. What aspects of King Archug did you focus on bringing to life?
-When I think about it, I am a very fortunate person. Every aspiring actor dream of portraying a historical figure, and I was blessed to play not one but two Kings. Thank you for asking such a wonderful question. “Son of the Sky”, written by B. Tsognemekh and produced by a Laureate of the State Premium, producer N. Naranbaatar, was an enormous hit at the time. The play resonated with countless people, and it is one of my most cherished roles. The character of Modun Shanyu was a real-life loyal son of the country who could sacrifice everything he held dear for his country's sake. “The Throne without a Seal” is a legend. The language of the play is beautifully poetic and elegant. And King Archug is a fictional character who is just as capable of sacrificing his family for the country's well-being. The narrative presented to the audience is the same.
to be continued......
Dive deeper into the interview of G. Erdenebileg by picking up the latest issue of the “Mongolia Today” magazine.