Today is Day of Proclamation a Republic
- 2020-11-26
Ulaanbaatar /MONTSAME/. Today is the 96th anniversary of the adoption of the first Constitution of Mongolia, proclaiming the Mongolian People’s Republic.
History says that the first State Great Khural was kicked off on September 8, 1924 in Niislel Khuree (present Ulaanbaatar), with 77 representatives from all across the country. During the Great Khural, the representatives discussed many vital issues and unanimously adopted the first Constitution of Mongolia on November 26, 1924. Historians say that this historical event not only defined the goals of Mongolians but also stamped it as an independent state.
With the adoption of the first Constitution, it not only strengthened the many socioeconomic achievements, but also declared all of the land, resources, forests, and animals under the ownership of citizens of Mongolia.
The Day of Proclamation was made a public holiday in accordance with the parliamentary resolution made on November 18, 2016.