- 2019-01-16
In 2018, 6.1 million passengers (double counting) have crossed the border of Mongolia, increased by 153.7 thousand or 2.6percent compared to the previous year. In 2018, 598.4 thousand foreign passengers have entered, increased by 55.7 thousand or 10.3percent compared to the previous year. Of those foreign passengers, 87.7percent were stayed up to 30 days, 10.7percent were stayed for 90 days or more, 1.6percent were stayed for 30 to 90 days. By the purpose for entry of the foreign passengers 529.3 thousand or 88.4percent entered for tourism purposes, increased by 60.0 thousand or 12.8percent compared to 2017, and 69.0 thousand or 11.5percent entered for business, study and permanent residence purposes. From 2017, the number of tourists from Thailand is increased by 767 or 51.4percent, tourists from Indonesia increased by 161 or 34.5percent, tourists from Turkey increased by 510 or 23.3percent, whereas tourists from North Korea decreased by 359 or 46.6percent, tourists from Vietnam decreased by 243 or 25.7percent and tourists from Austria decreased by 230 by 14.6percent. The 571.2 thousand or 95.4percent of the inbound foreign passengers were adults, 398.8 thousand or 66.7percent of the inbound foreign passengers were men and 199.6 thousand or 33.3percent were women and 27.2 thousand or 4.6percent were kids.