- 2017-11-20
Defense Minister N.Enkhbold met Ahmet Yazal, Ambassador of Turkey to Mongolia and they exchanged views on increasing possibility of educating officers and cadets of Mongolian armed forces in Turkish universities and appointing Mongolian military attache in Turkey. Minister N.Enkhbold expressed his satisfaction with the development of traditional relations and cooperation between the Ministries of Defense since Mongolia and Turkey established official relation in defense sector in 1999. Moreover the Minister thanked the Government of the Republic of Turkey and Turkish Ministry of National Defense on backing reform of the Mongolian armed force and granting non-refundable aid and support in frames of military financial cooperation. He also conveyed willingness to bring defense cooperation to the next level and Mongolia's intension to appointment of military attache in Turkey to broaden the cooperation. Ambassador Ahmet Yazal congratulated Minister N.Enkhbold, for his appointment as Mongolian Defense Minister, expressing his appreciation for having appointed an experienced politician to the post and stated to back him in all ways.