Ambassador R.Bold attended the opening ceremony of a “Turkic world Tonyukuk park” in Ankara’s Altindag district, during which a replica of 1300 year old Turkic inscription in Mongolia was launched. H.E. Mustafa Sentop, Speaker of Parliament, Dr. Darhan Kydyrali, Head of the International Turkic Academy, Turkey's Deputy Foreign Minister Yavuz Selim Kiran, Ankara Governor Vasip Sahin, Altindag Mayor Asim Balci and Ambassadors joined the event. The event is organized under the framework of commemorating 1300th Anniversary of Tonyukuk Memorial by UNESCO. H.E. Sentop emphasized in his speech that the Bilge Tonyukuk monuments as part of the Orkhon inscriptions are precious for the Turkic nations and stressed the importance of preservation of historical sites and archeological artifacts found. There are more than 400 archeological sites belonging to the Turkic period was found in Mongolia. TIKA is building a museum based on Bilge Khan in the Orkhon Valley and a statue of the sage Tonyukuk near Ulaanbaatar.