On the threshold of the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Mongolia and Turkey, the opening ceremony of the documentary film "Mongol Etugen" was held at the Embassy of Mongolia in Ankara. The Mongolian National Broadcaster has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Turkish Radio and Television Corporation in 2017. Within the framework of the collaboration, five documentary films have been successfully shot by TRT AVAZ Chanel last summer in Mongolia. The brief overview of this documentary was presented to the audience after the opening remarks made by H.E. Mr. R.Bold, Ambassador of Mongolia, Mr. Sedat Sağırkaya, Coordinator of TRT AVAZ Channel, Prof.Dr. Ahmet Taşağıl, project advisor, Head of the History Department of Yeditepe University, and Mrs. R.Gandiimaa, Director of the Mongolian News Channel, who attended the ceremony as an honorary guest.